When and why was Linen First Used in Clothing?
A fabric that has been used since the dawn of civilization is linen. Linen has a long, well reputed and sustainable history. We consider linen to be the fabric of today's future of Fashion but it’s actually quite ancient and medieval. When we talk about linen fabric, rich heritage, royalty and luxury are the terms that immediately pop in our mind. We generally associate linen fabrics with high quality clothing, expensive bedding, plush white linen curtains , fancy tableware and napkins. But looking at the past, linen was staple everyday clothing for men and women till the invention of cotton which was more cost efficient and less labor intensive. A Brief Intro of Linen Linen textiles are made from the cellulose fibers present in the inner bark of the flax plant. These fibers are known as Bast fibers and flax belongs to the family of sustainable plants like jute, hemp and raime. All these plants embody the same qualities like faster drying and being sturdier when we...